Producers are being urged to familiarise themselves with the regulations surrounding animal welfare on the eve of the introduction of new standards.
Midfield’s Noel Kelson said Midfield and all processors were heavily regulated in terms of animal welfare.
“There are international obligations relating to animal welfare and as a nationally accredited organization with the Australian Animal Welfare Certification System (AAWCS), we take this responsibility very seriously,” Mr Kelson said.
“Animals with broken legs or other major injuries absolutely cannot be moved or transported and it is the producer’s responsibility to make sure these animals are euthanized as soon as possible.
“There will be a change in some people’s perceptions of animal welfare standards with the onset of new Primary Production Processing Standards (PPPS) from the 30th of July. This new standard for meat extends the definition of a “meat producer” to include a business, enterprise or activity that involves the growing, supply or transportation of animals for human consumption.”
Mr Kelson said the Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare System (AAWCS) had been in place since 2013, to help facilitate positive and proactive industry animal welfare practices.
“This is an independently audited certification program designed for processors to demonstrate compliance with best practice animal welfare standards.
“They cover all animal welfare activities, from receipt of livestock to humane processing.
“There is no doubt that both domestic and international expectations of the manner in which people handle animals has come under increased focus in the past few years. All participants in the supply chain need to be acutely aware of their responsibilities for these outcomes. “