When Cody Miller arrived at Midfield three years ago he was looking for a short-term job before he moved on to another place.
“I’ve moved around loads of places. I’ve lived in Melbourne, Bundaberg, Townsville, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Port Macquarie, Sydney – just to name a few,” Cody said.
“I was just looking for a short-term job when I got here, I wasn’t planning on staying too long. “It’s been three years now and this is my first official job.”
Cody started in the chiller on the slaughter floor and moved into grading.
“While I was on the scale I took my time to learn as many jobs as I could. Then I got a trainee supervisor role and went around the floor learning as many additional jobs as I could as well.
“Then I moved to the small stock boning room. I learnt how to bone and run the room, then moved to loadout and learnt how to run load out.
“I’m still running load out now, I’ve been there about six months.” Cody said there were two main reasons why he has stayed at Midfield.
“Every day I’m learning something. I’m always being challenged, which I love. “The second factor is definitely the people. The people are great.”