Midfield’s 246 beef slaughter floor has been fully upgraded with a state-of-the- art plant directly from Europe.
Midfield’s Matt Fisher said the massive overhaul was undertaken in late May and had doubled the capacity of the floor.
“The previous facility dated to the 1970s and had a maximum capacity of 350 carcasses per day,” Matt said.
“The new floor increases our processing capabilities to 700 units per day. Aside from productivity increases, the new slaughter line is ergonomic, efficient, easy to clean and uses similar labor units.”
Matt said the new slaughter floor became operational in early June and staff feedback had been very positive.
“We have to thank our hard working employees for the hard work and dedication to the upgrade process.
“There was a huge commitment from a range of Midfield employees and contractors, working in shifts around the clock for more than a week to get the job done.”