Midfield Protein Solutions
Our protein extraction facility is a brand-new state of the art design where traditional rendering techniques and knowledge have united with advanced modern technology and process equipment. Designed and engineered to produce single specie protein meals and tallows, the facility has three singular production lines with precise temperature and process controls.
Sourcing all raw material internally through a vertically integrated production system, Midfield Protein Solutions only refines fresh, clean and sound raw material, optimising product and protein quality.
The facility has world class environmental controls embracing circular economy complimenting The Midfield Groups commitment to ‘closed loop’ systems and processing.
Adhering to all Victorian and Australian regulations, Midfield Protein Solutions is accredited for all Global Markets, including the European Union and the United States of America.

Our Product Range
As a specialist in premium animal proteins and fats, Midfield Protein Solutions offers a selection of high-quality functional ingredients.
Our Premium and Prime Beef and Lamb products are carefully monitored and developed through continuous innovation with a close eye on the most sustainable choices to produce high quality products.
You can get in contact with our sales team via telephone or e-mail:
T: +61 3 5563 4444
E: marketing@midfield.com.au