Midfield’s recognition as Powercor’s Business of the Year at the Warrnambool Business Excellence Awards has thrilled management and staff of the group.
The awards, which were held on October 18, saw Midfield also take out the Manufacturing, Trade and Utilities Award.
Midfield Managing Director Colin McKenna said the award was a wonderful achievement for a company that had started ‘as small as you could’.
“I’m really, really thrilled that Midfield has been recognised as the Powercor Business of the Year,” Colin said.
“This achievement is a highlight for me because it’s a locally grown award and that’s exactly what we are, a locally grown company.”
Colin said special mention should be made of the more than 1000 staff now employed by the company.
“This award would not be possible without our staff – it’s a simple as that.
“It’s our suppliers and the people who come to work for us rain, hail and shine that have made this award a reality. They get up early in the morning and work until the job is finished.
“Without them there would be no Midfield.”
Midfield was recognised by the judges as being a well established and sustainable business operating at the forefront of the meat industry, with a highly disciplined and well trained workforce.
The 2013 Powercor Warrnambool Business Excellence Awards attracted almost 90 business and individual nominations across 15 categories.
Colin said he hoped other businesses would appreciate that it’s possible to become a recognised business.
“We started out as small as you could get and have been fortunate that with great support and hard work we have grown to be an award-winning business.”
What the judges said:
– A well established and sustainable business?
– Complex customer and statutory accreditation coupled with regular audits keep this business on its toes and at the forefront of its industry?
– High levels of quality assurance techniques are used in regulating the supply of quality product?
– All staff are efficient and effective in a large part because they are well trained in the functions that they are expected to perform?
– The constancy of production does not allow for any let up of standards or practices?
– Quality role out to suppliers is under constant scrutiny?
Strengths – On which to build?
– Superior levels of quality?
– Special emphasis on housekeeping, cleanliness and layout?
– Maintaining quality assurance accreditations?
– Highly disciplined workforce