Midfield will soon complete a roadmap that sets the strategic direction for zero emissions across the entire group by 2030.
The company’s Malerie Janes said the roadmap was a logical progression from the multiple environmental initiatives that have already been implemented in recent years.
“The roadmap should be ready for release in the coming months and will provide us with a waste reduction and environmental protection framework through to 2030,” Malerie said.
“Our sites, including Midfield Meat International, UDC, transport, trading and farms, will be zero liquid and hard waste sites in under 10 years.
“We’re working with industry groups, suppliers and customers to achieve zero emissions and zero waste across all our sites by 2030.” A sustainability website detailing the roadmap is expected to be launched before the end of the year.
“The website will set everything out; what we’re doing and how we’re going to do it.
“It will enable us to monitor targets and report when we reach them along the way.
“It’s pretty exciting and we’re wanting to involve community and school groups in some of our projects.”
These initiatives could include tree planting, cardboard recycling, composting and mentoring programs.
“We have a reduce, reuse, recycle mentality at Midfield, which basically means anything that can be recycled or reused is recycled or reused. As a result of this, we have reduced our waste to landfill by half in the last two
“It’s been through identifying different waste streams and then creating effort, education and knowledge about what is going into each bin, as well as making people accountable for their waste decisions.”
Midfield is currently looking into new, innovative technology to reach these goals, but has already implemented a variety of initiatives, including tree planting and solar panels on the company’s pastoral properties.